
Who We Are

North County Christian School is a Private Christian School Satellite Program with an affidavit on file with the California State Department of Education. NCCS is listed in the California Private School Directory and is a Support Network Member of Christian Home Educators Association of California.

Our Philosophy

We believe the Lord has charged parents with the responsibility of instructing their children.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9 (NIV)
“ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”

Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)
“ Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”

Ephesians 6:4b (NIV)
“ Fathers …bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

Our Purpose

NCCS was established to help families who have chosen to heed God's Word in the form of home education. Our record keeping service was specifically designed for families that:

  • Do not need direct oversight to meet the educational goals they have established for the training and instruction of their children.
  • Are looking for an accountability system that will keep them "on track" with their education and record keeping.
  • Desire the umbrella covering of an established private Christian school.
  • Desire help ensuring all legal requirements are being met.

Contact Information

Administrator: Jennifer Sexton
Email: admin@northcountycs.com

Address: 979 Woodland Parkway, Suite #101-59, San Marcos, CA 92069

Business hours: Mon. – Thur. 9am – 4pm
Phone: (760) 737-7115


  • Filing of a private school affidavit (R-4) on behalf of all families enrolled.
  • Year-round enrollment.
  • Enrollment verification and transfer of student’s records from previous school.
  • Permanent Record keeping (online) with a safe, secure online database.
  • Safe, Secure fireproof file storage of all student paper cumulative files.
  • Parent conference/assistance/support when needed.
  • NCCS Handbook/NCCS High School Manual.
  • NCCS Newsletters.
  • High School Program.
    • High School diploma issued.
    • High School transcripts.
    • Work Permits.
    • Grand Canyon University Consortium School.

Parental Responsibility

  • Ensure that one parent is at home during school hours and teaching 180 days during the school year.
  • Parents provide curriculum, do lesson planning, maintain a record of daily work, and evaluate student’s progress: All decisions relating to educational philosophy and methods, home schooling style, election of books, teaching material and curriculum grading and evaluations are the responsibility of the parents. As it is the parent’s responsibility, the outcome of your student’s education rests on you and your student’s efforts.
  • 1st – 8th grade parents are to submit online: Proposed Course of Study, Quarterly attendance and grades. Observe NCCS reporting periods.
  • 9th - 12th grade parents are to submit online: Course Description, Quarterly attendance and semester grades. Observe NCCS reporting periods.
  • All families are required to maintain Home School Legal Defense Association membership.
  • Notify NCCS if you intend to transfer to another school.
  • Although we believe it is the parent’s responsibility to direct their student’s education we have policies that may conflict with some family’s strategy. We feel these policies help support the integrity of North County Christian School. We will attempt to accommodate each parent’s philosophy and goals as much as possible.

Legal Requirements: Mandatory

North County Christian School is a private school and although we file a Private School Affidavit with the California State Department of Education each year (your student will be enrolled in a Private Christian School) we cannot guarantee anyone protection from harassment from authorities or legal protection. Therefore, we have a mandatory requirement that each family is a member of Home School Legal Defense Association. No other legal insurance is acceptable. See Enrollment page for HSLDA application and payment information.

High School Transfer Students

We welcome students transferring from another high school, public or private, and we will accept the credits on their transcript.

We will accept parent’s transcripts for students that have been independently home schooled, as long as that parent can fully document courses and grades and provide a transcript.

Students must be in good standing with their previous school. We will not accept students that have been expelled or have had any legal, disciplinary, or truancy problems with their previous school. Cumulative records will be review for any problems.


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